Privacy Policy – Excelicare
Last updated: September 8, 2021
Excelicare delivers solutions designed to simplify navigation of the healthcare system and ease collaboration among patients, their support group of family and friends, and providers. Creating and leveraging a holistic view of your patients’ health, our solutions enable more effective care coordination and management.
This document details how Excelicare stores, uses, and collects Personal Information provided by registered users about patients.
The information protection and privacy acts in effect in the countries in which Excelicare is used, govern how Excelicare collects, uses, discloses, secures, and disposes of Personal Information provided by registered users of our solutions.
Personal Information
Personal Information refers to recorded information about an identifiable individual or that may identify an individual as provided under country-specific governing information protection and privacy acts. This includes patient details such as name, address, email address, and phone numbers.
Collection and Use of Personal Information
Excelicare may receive Personal Information from registered users of our solutions as part of our provision of services to and on behalf of users. Such information may only be used by Excelicare as is reasonably necessary to perform obligations as contracted by users. Personal Information may only be used as is permitted or required under governing laws of the country where used and applicable information protection and privacy acts.
Personal Information that is provided to Excelicare is not used for Excelicare’s own marketing or advertising purposes.
Disclosure of Personal Information
The Personal Information provided to Excelicare may be disclosed under specific circumstances including:
- With your consent, access by authorized Excelicare staff to provide technical and/or user support.
- With your consent, to third parties necessary to provide contracted services to you.
- If required by law to be disclosed.
Excelicare takes reasonable steps to protect Personal Information, using technologies and processes such as encryption, access control procedures, network firewalls and physical security. Our solutions are reviewed regularly for security vulnerabilities in order to provide solutions that are as safe as possible. Excelicare takes applicable safeguards to prevent theft, loss, unauthorized access, copying, modification, use disclosure or disposal or Personal information. Only authorized Excelicare employees or agents carrying out permitted business functions are permitted to access Personal Information.
Safeguards taken by Excelicare to protect Personal Information include:
- User login and password
- Multi-factor authentication
- Data encryption at rest
- Data encryption in transit
- Access control and audit logs
- Certified third party PEN/TRA testing of solutions
- Network firewall and proactive monitoring (Excelicare Managed Cloud Services)
Disposal of Protected Information
At the termination of services being provided by Excelicare to you, Excelicare will take reasonable steps to return or destroy all Protected Information received from, created for, or received on your behalf that Excelicare maintains custody of in any form and will retain no copies of this Protected Information thereafter. Excelicare will certify that all such Protected Information has been returned or destroyed, as the case may be. If such return or destruction of Protected Information is not feasible, Excelicare will notify you of this fact, extend existing protections to all Protected Information in our custody, and will cease all further use and disclosure.
Changes and amendments to this Privacy Policy
Excelicare reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at our discretion and at any time. The date this Privacy Policy was last updated is identified at the bottom of this page. We recommend that users periodically visit this Privacy Policy to check for any changes.
If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at
Data Protection Office