April 7, 2017
Excelicare Awarded Scottish Government Contract to Improve Patient Experience & Education in Type 1 Diabetes Using Personalised Care
Work to deliver a mobile app to support young adults with Type 1 diabetes.
Following successful completion of a Scottish Government-funded Personalised Diabetes Education & Care Phase 1 feasibility study, Excelicare subsidiary AxSys Technology Ltd. has been awarded a 12-month Phase 2 contract under the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) programme. SBRI enables government departments to connect with technology organisations, finding innovative solutions to specific public sector challenges and needs. It aims to use the power of government procurement to accelerate technology development, supporting projects through the stages of feasibility and prototyping.
Based on the highly configurable Excelicare platform and myCarepod mobile app, the goal of the current contract is to deliver a mobile app that supports young adults with Type 1 Diabetes by providing useful, relevant and timely notifications, educational information and assessments at significant points in their journey; to help them better manage their blood glucose levels through review and learning from their own data; and to enable them to harness the support of their personal and professional circle of caregivers. Manual input of data is expected to be minimised by supporting auto-capture of data from a wide range of sources – including NHS Scotland databases accessible through My Diabetes My Way, Bluetooth-connected glucometers, fitness trackers and other activity- or diet-capturing apps, and the patient’s Google & Apple calendars and Facebook event subscriptions.
The contract also calls for robust testing of the solution with a patient cohort.